Colloquium Log Week 2:

Ziyu Zhang

Playful Park: Happy Fish Pond

I plan to build a fish pond with living creatures that allow users to interact with. The fish pond consists of 3 parts, the fish tank, water and the fish. For the interaction, I want users to experience the real raising of the fish. So I add a section where users can throw in fries into the pond.

First, you can draw the curve you like to design the shape of the tank. You can adjust the height if the tank and volume of the water by moving the slider.

Then you can just spread the baby fish into the tank and wait for them to wake up.

Birth of Life

As you can see in the GIF, the fish can be born from the points you put and move back and forth in 3D directions. However, the movement of fish is still not real enough and I was not able to use random component of decide the coordinates of points because it seemed that random number only counted once, with or without trigger.